04_menisco diagnostico_1
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Meniscus is a fibrocartilaginous structure that has semi-lunar shape. It fills the joint space between the tibia (lower leg) and the femur (thigh), as the same time that divides the cavity. Menisci provide structural integrity to the knee when it undergoes tension and torsion. They serve to disperse and reduce friction in the knee joint during the movement becoming an end stop. They also spread the load of the body's weight.
Inside the menisci the structures are mainly cartilaginous and vascular. On their external part the tissue is vascular and fibrous. Treatment is conditioned by their anatomy when it comes time to surgical intervention due to the poor blood supply and therefore added difficulty of healing in injured structures.

Meniscal injuries are diagnosed by NMR:

First line treatment is conservative: rest, aplicación de frio en bolas de gel  en la zona, pressure bandage, soft physical therapy for strengthening the quadriceps. It is also very useful to practice with crutches or canes in order to get about, as well as to make arms and the healthy leg more powerful so that the patient can move with those supports.

Pharmacological treatment consists of antiinflamatories, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

Depending on the degree of the tear, the anatomical area of the injury and the evolution in time, surgical treatment would be done by fragments resection or meniscal suture.


The recovery after simple procedures such as a meniscectomy is usually brief. It is recommended to walk with the support of clutches the first two weeks, bear weight progressively on the operated leg with a knee bandage 3-4 days. Stitches will be removed in 10 days. Patients are allowed to return to normal life from thrid week on. It differs from one patient to another but there are some that need a recovery under strict  supervision of their physiotherapist  and sport activities may restart after 4 weeks. The patient will be advised that an isometric exercise guideline should be done after the operation reinforcing cuadricipital  and ischiotibial  muscles at least 30 minutes, three times a day.